Intensive Functional Rehabilitation

The Intensive Functional Rehabilitation team at Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network provides a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to pain management and physical therapy rehabilitation. If your pain is chronic and difficult to manage, we can target your symptoms to help restore your functional abilities and improve your quality of life. This non-surgical treatment option is especially helpful for chronic neck and back pain, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, chronic joint pain, myofascial pain and nerve pain.

Custom intensive functional rehabilitation treatment combines proven treatments to help you:

  • Target your pain with focused physician services
  • Increase your overall strength and endurance through physical therapy
  • Improve your capacity to perform everyday activities and tasks with less pain

Your team includes:

What to Expect

Your input is critical in creating a successful plan.  Through our patient-centered care approach we will work together to define your goals, understand your preferences, and monitor your response to treatment. All of this plays a significant role in shaping your custom rehabilitation program as we start and throughout your care.

Initial Evaluation and Ongoing Care with Our Pain Physician
Your care plan begins with an assessment of your personal experience with pain. Our Medical Director, Dr. Benntt Kramer, will meet with you to understand your medical history, physical capabilities and specific functional limitations.

Physical Therapy Assessment
If appropriate, one of our Licensed Physical Therapists will meet with you to determine your capacity to participate in physical therapy. From there, the therapist will develop your Individualized Treatment Plan. Intensive functional rehab combines strengthening, endurance training and stretching to help you achieve your goal of improving functional mobility and ability. Sessions typically take place three times per week for four to six weeks.

Ongoing Education and Guidance
You will receive education about your condition, recovery process, strategies for preventing future injuries and techniques to help you maintain the progress you worked hard to accomplish. Education topics include, for example:

  • Spine anatomy and education on deconditioning
  • Posture and body mechanics
  • Principles of stretching and exercise
  • Nutrition and hydration
  • Pain neuroscience education
  • Pain self-management techniques
  • Pain-related medication management
  • Sleep education
  • Vocational resources

Ongoing Evaluation of Your Progress
Through your feedback and our expertise, we will continuously monitor your progress towards achieving your goals and adjust the rehabilitation plan to meet your needs. You will follow up with Dr. Kramer halfway through PT and again at the completion of therapy. Your therapist will communicate with him regularly regarding your progress. After collaborating with your PT, Dr. Kramer may add spinal or non-spinal interventions to your treatment plan.

Ask your physician to contact our office at 603-681-3140 to schedule an appointment. They may also fax a referral to 603-681-3154. Please be sure they include the necessary information.