Patient Story
Spinal Cord Injury Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
Northeast Rehab’s Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Program provides comprehensive acute inpatient rehab and medical management to meet the needs of those who have had a spinal cord injury due to trauma or illness.
We Specialize in Spinal Cord Injury Rehab
We strongly believe that our patients deserve high quality, compassionate care. That’s why our staff are specially trained to manage the unique physical and emotional needs of each patient. They also use the latest advances in spinal cord injury rehabilitation.
Technology and Specialty Services
- LiteGait – a therapy device which helps patients walk before they are able to support their own body weight
- Onsite Brace Clinic
- Wheelchair Evaluation Clinic
- Onsite Spasticity Management Services – treatment for muscle dysfunction resulting in tightness, increased tone, and resistance to stretch
- Onsite Pain Management Clinic
- Our staff also includes Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurses
Patient and Family Support
- Peer visits by others who are living with a spinal cord injury
- Connections to Independent Living Centers:
- NH – Granite State Independent Living (http://www.gsil.org/)
- MA – Northeast Independent Living (http://www.nilp.org/ )
- ME – Alpha One Now Independent Living Services (http://www.alphaonenow.org/ )
- Connections to spinal cord injury support groups
- Home accessibility assessments
Spinal Cord Resources
- United Spinal Association
- SCI Pilot – Assistive Technology Reviews
- Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
- SCI Toolkit
- Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center