Archives: Patient Stories

It was the typical Monday evening for pediatric therapy patient Shianne, a delightful pre-teen girl who was diagnosed with a form of congenital muscular dystrophy when she was ten. She … Continue reading "A Thoughtful Therapist and a Patient’s Dream Equals a Wish Come True"

We received this beautiful appreciation note from Doug, a patient at our Salem, NH hospital. His note beautifully captures the heart of the organization and the “why” for so many. … Continue reading "Meet Doug: He Shares the Ultimate Lesson in Kindness"

Bruce Roberts was especially excited about the anticipated arrival of his grandson. He and his wife Rose live in walking distance from their son and daughter-in-law’s house. After a particularly … Continue reading "Meet Bruce: He overcame a spinal injury and is walking again"

Lynne’s injuries were serious and required extensive rehabilitation. She had fractured her pelvis, both wrists, seven ribs and separated her shoulder. She also had nine fractures in three fingers on … Continue reading "Meet Lynne: Complex Orthopedic Injury Champion"

Thomas (Tom) Terry of North Andover, MA spent days in an induced coma following a stroke that impacted the right side of his brain. He was uncertain of his future. … Continue reading "Meet Tom: After a Stroke He Uncovered His Inner Strength"

Lifelong Amesbury, MA resident Robert Evans has never been a stranger to hard work. Between being a butcher for over 50 years and being a veteran of the Marines, some … Continue reading "Robert Evans: Marine Veteran, Butcher, Stroke Survivor"

As Thomas Firth and his son made their way into the Wing 100 gym for what he thought was a simple off-boarding meeting at the end of his stay at … Continue reading "Stroke Survivor Thomas Firth: Putting in the Work"

Kurt Christensen, “KC,” was on track to join the PGA Tour when he suffered from a traumatic brain injury in 2008. The car he was riding in swerved off the … Continue reading "Rebuilt Lives: Kurt Christensen"

Vraj began attending physical therapy at NRHN many years ago, most recently attending therapy at the Northeast Rehab Tewksbury Clinic with Sarah Prime, DPT. Vraj enjoys coming to his therapies … Continue reading "A Special Gift for a Special Boy"

Avid hiker regains her momentum after suffering from a cavernous malformation on her spine. Stephanie, 28, was hiking the mountains of Belize when she first lost the use of … Continue reading "Patient Stephanie Maraldo Walks Again After Spine Injury"

Gary is driving again thanks to NRHN Nashua patient Gary Petzold gets back behind the wheel after a spinal cord injury. Hear what he has to say about NRHN’s Driver Rehabilitation Program. … Continue reading "Behind the Wheel: Northeast Rehab Driver Rehabilitation."

Brain Injury Recovery Stories inspire and awe us every day. They are one of the many reasons why we do, what we do. John Mullen came to us two months … Continue reading "John Mullen’s Nashua Inpatient Experience"

Ask Milton Taylor how he regained the ability to walk nine months after being told he likely never would, and the 63-year-old tearfully starts talking about his own determination and the region's talented doctors.