Kyphoplasty Procedure for Vertebral Compression Fractures

Balloon Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that can provide chronic pain relief for patients with a vertebral compression fracture (VCF). Sometimes called a spine fracture, VCFs are more likely to occur in patients affected by osteoporosis. Dr. Bennett Kramer and the Pain Managment Clinic team in Salem, NH offer Balloon Kyphoplasty and other non-surgical treatment options to treat chronic pain.

VCF’s Impact on Health and Quality of Life

Some spinal fractures may collapse immediately while others collapse over time and result in a condition called kyphosis or rounded back. Kyphosis compresses the chest and abdominal cavity, which can result in serious negative health and quality of life consequences including increased risk of falls and fractures, increased disability, height loss, chronic and acute pain, reduced mobility, loss of self-esteem, social isolation and depression1. The good news is that if you are a candidate for Balloon Kyphoplasty, it can make a significant difference.

The Balloon Kyphoplasty Procedure and its Benefits

Dr. Kramer and the Pain Management Team at Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network in Salem, NH, offer balloon kyphoplasty to treat vertebral compression fractures (VCFs).

Balloon Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive treatment that corrects vertebral deformity and stabilizes VCFs to provide pain relief. The procedure typically takes about one hour per fracture and may be performed in an outpatient setting using either local or general anesthesia. Dr. Kramer and the Pain Management Team will determine the most appropriate method based on a patient’s unique condition.

Short-Term Benefits
• Vertebral height restoration
• Significant improvement in quality of life1 AND mobility, including the ability to perform daily activities such as walking, hobbies and work2
• Low complication rate (<1%)2
• Reduction in back pain1

Long-Term Benefits
• Vertebral height restoration
• Maintenance of improvement in quality of life1 AND mobility2
• Ongoing maintenance of the reduction in back pain1

The specialty physician creates a pair of small incisions, each approximately 1 cm in length, and uses a needle and cannula to create a small pathway into each side of a fractured vertebral body. A small balloon is then guided through each cannula into the vertebra and carefully inflated in an attempt to raise the collapsed vertebra and return it to its normal position. Inflating the balloon creates a void (cavity) in the vertebral body. Once the vertebra is in the correct position, the balloons are deflated and removed. The cavities are then filled with bone cement to form an “internal cast” that supports the surrounding bone and prevents further collapse.

Ask your physician to contact our office at 603-681-3140 to schedule an appointment. They may also fax a referral to 603-681-3154. Please be sure they include the necessary information.


1. Bouxsein , M. L., & Genant, H. K. (2010). The Breaking Spine. International Osteoporosis Foundation. Retrieved August 24, 2012, from
2.  Boonen et al (2011). Balloon kyphoplasty for the treatment of acute vertebral compression fractures: 2-year results from a randomized trial. Journal for Bone and Mineral Research, 26: 1627–1637. doi:10.1002/jbmr.364